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Why Do Cats Roll In Dirt – Is It Normal Behavior?

Why Do Cats Roll In Dirt – Is It Normal Behavior?

Many a time, your loving cat, who usually likes to stay neat and clean by licking its fur, starts rolling in the dirt of your garden or backyard. Unknown to this behavior, you become surprised and wonder: why do cats roll in the dirt?

Cat roll in the dirt to seek your attention. Rolling in the dirt is a way for cats to cool down its body temperature. Cats also roll in the dirt to marking their territory. In some cases, rolling may indicate that your cat is in heat or feeling discomfort.

In this article, we will be explaining why your cat rolls in the dirt. We will also be answering some other frequently asked questions and providing additional information to help you understand the rolling behavior of your cat well.

Reasons Your Cat Rolls In Dirt

There can be five main reasons why cats roll in the dirt. Cats generally do this to cool down their body temperature, mark their territory, or as a side effect of sniffing or playing with catnip.

They can also roll in the dirt to attract mating partners when they are in season. However, in most cases, cats do this dust bath only to entertain themselves and seek attention from their owners. Here are the five reasons why your cat rolls in the dirt.

Your Cat Is Cooling Down Its Body Temperature

Cats roll in the dirt to keep their body temperature cool. They do this very often in summer when the days are hot and humid.

Generally, cats wriggle and move around to brush the top layer of hot dirt and roll over the comparatively moist and cool dust. Thus they adjust their body temperature.

Your Cat Is Marking Its Territory

It’s a natural way for cats to mark their territory. Cats are highly scent-driven animals, and they claim their territory by leaving their scents by rolling, licking, and rubbing.

They have scent glands on the top of the head, cheeks, paw pads, and tales. Moreover, each cat secretes a unique pheromone from its mouth to claim its area. So, if your cat is rolling in the dirt, it can be a sign that it is marking its territory.

Your Cat Is In Season

Rolling in the dirt may indicate that your feline friend is in heat. Female cats squirm in the dust to spread their pheromones and odor to entice potential mates.

They also do this right after mating. Sometimes, male cats roll in the dirt seeing other males. But when the cat is in season, it also shows some other symptoms, including restlessness, constant moaning, desperation to go outside, unusual tail movement, etc.

Your Cat Is Playing With Catnip

If your cat sniffs or eats catnip leaves, it can roll in the dirt out of joy, feeling relaxed. Catnip is more like cannabis for cats. After eating or playing with catnip leaves, they may start rolling and pawing.

You don’t have to worry about it as catnip is non-addictive and harmless. But make sure that your cat does eat lots of catnip leaves and upset its tummy.

Your Cat Is Seeking Attention

In most cases, your cat rolls in the dirt to seek your attention. It gently rolls in the dust exposing its belly to get your eyes on them.

Generally, cats expose their belly when they are in a good mood and feel safe, secure, and happy. So, rolling in the dirt can be your cat’s way of telling you that it needs your love and affection.

What Does A Cat Rolling Over Mean

When your cat is rolling over, it means that your cat is feeling happy. Cats generally show their happiness and seek your attention and care by rolling over.

As the belly is cats’ most sensitive area, and they expose it only when they feel safe, secure, and relaxed. Rolling over also helps cats cool themselves, mark their territory, get relief from itchiness, or attract potential mates.

Why Is My Cat Rolling Around Like Crazy

When your cat rolls around like crazy, it means that your cat is experiencing some discomfort. The best way to find out the reasons behind the crazy rolling is to observe your cat closely. Generally, they do this crazy rolling when they are in heat.

If you see no other signs of being in heat and the rolls continue, you must consult a vet. If your vet says everything is okay with your cat’s body, then you may take help from an animal behaviorist to identify the reasons behind your cat’s crazy rolling behavior.

Is It Normal For Cats To Roll In Dirt

It is very natural for cats to gently rolling in the dirt. They do so to keep their body cool or just for the fun of it. It’s also a way to seek your attention. So, when you see your cat having a dust bath by rolling in your garden or backyard, you should give it some extra attention, love, and care.

Do Cats Like Rolling In Dirt

Cats like to roll in the dirt as it is a fun activity for them. They also do it to show joy and happiness. Sometimes, they wriggle in the ground to get rid of the itchiness caused by fleas, ticks, or mites. So, don’t worry if your cat has a dust bath by gently rolling in the dirt.

Why Do Cats Roll In Dirt When They See You

Your cat may start rolling when they see you. It is your cat’s way to seek your attention. It means your feline friend is in a good mood and wants to spend time with you. You can respond to this invitation by playing with your lovely cat for some time. You can show your love and affection when it rolls in your presence.

How To Stop Cats From Rolling In Dirt

Rolling in the dirt is normal for your cat, and you don’t need to worry about it. But when your cat rolls in the dirt frequently on hot summer days to cool down, you can provide some alternative ways to make your cat comfortable.

You can provide cold water, give your cat access to the cool places in the house, or arrange an outdoor fan to make your cat comfortable. If the rolling happens due to fleas, mites, or other parasites, you can try anti-parasite medication consulting with your vet.

Things To Consider

Cats are lovely, adorable, yet unpredictable animals. So, when it comes rolling in the dirt, there are some other things that you should keep in mind. It will help you understand your feline friend better, and you can act accordingly.

Observe Closely To Understand Your Cat’s Rolling Behavior

Observe your cat’s rolling behavior closely to understand the reasons behind it. Is it because your cat is happy and seeking your attention, or is there anything else? Sometimes, cats roll in the dirt for the wellness of their digestive system.

When they wriggle, they pick up bacteria from soil and later eat them by licking. It helps them keep their digestive system well. Again, they can roll in the dirt to relieve itchiness caused by several things like fleas, ticks, mites, or other parasites.

In that case, you can consult your vet and use the prescribed anti-parasite medication. Their dirt rolling behavior also reveals whether they are in heat or not. So, to understand your feline companion, you need to observe its rolling closely.

Pay Attention To Your Cat’s Overall Activities

Though cats’ dirt rolling behavior is just a part of who they are and is completely fine, you should be careful when you see your cat rolling like crazy. It would help if you observed the following things: 

  • The frequency of rolling
  • Breathing patterns
  • Any sudden change in eating habits 
  • Body temperature 
  • Excessive restlessness 
  • Moaning or calling 
  • Unusual tail movement
  • Excessive aggressiveness 

If you find anything very unusual in your cat, you must consult a vet to help your cat overcome the discomfort.