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Do Hairless Cats Have Whiskers – The Fascinating Answer!

Do Hairless Cats Have Whiskers – The Fascinating Answer!

A hairless cat, also known as a Sphynx cat, doesn’t have any fur on its body, but you probably knew it already. The next question you might have is if hairless cats have whiskers. If the cat doesn’t have any fur, why would it have whiskers? Whiskers are fur, aren’t they? Hairless cats are supposed to be bald. But, do hairless cats have whiskers?

Hairless cats can have whiskers, but most do not. Whiskers on hairless cats can be whole, short in length, or partially broken. The majority of hairless cats do not have whiskers at all. 

It might seem counterintuitive to think that hairless cats could have whiskers, even a few, but whiskers are a little different than fur. Hairless cats won’t have the same kind of whiskers are normal cats, though. Their whiskers might be broken or missing, unlike many other cat breeds. My friend’s hairless cat has whiskers only have a few whiskers, but they look like burnt hair. So, what’s the purpose of whiskers anyway? Cats don’t have whiskers just to look pretty. 

What Happens If A Cat Has No Whiskers

If a hairless cat doesn’t have whiskers, it may not be a big deal, but if your cat that usually has whiskers doesn’t have them anymore, they may be more disorientated than usual. 

Sphynx cats have other ways to make up for the lack of whiskers. Hairless cats can also use their tails for balance, which is one thing whiskers do for cats. Sphynx cats may not be as great as fitting into tight spaces, but that might not be the worst thing ever. If your hairless cat has no whiskers, you still may want to keep them inside. They may not be as tactile outside as other cats.

If a cat who usually has whiskers loses them, you might notice they’re acting weird. They may lose some balance, though they can still walk. A cat who loses its whiskers might try to rely on its tale more, but they may be more confused than you’re used to. Just try to make sure your cat doesn’t lose its whiskers!

What Purpose Do Whiskers Serve On Cats

A cat’s whiskers act like feelers for your cat, especially so your cat can see if it fits different spaces.

Have you ever noticed that your fat cat’s whiskers are longer than your cat that’s a lot skinnier? Well, there’s a reason for that. 

Your cat’s whiskers are usually as long as its body is wide. This means that your cat can use its whiskers to see if it will fight through tight spaces. Does your sliding back door open a bit, and your cat slips out, but you have no idea how he fits? His whiskers told him that he would be able to fit, even if it seems impossible!

Whiskers also help a cat balance, but your cat’s tail helps a little bit with that too. Those whiskers just aren’t cute, huh?

Can Cats Regrow Whiskers

Cats can regrow their whiskers if they fall out or broken.

If you have a cat, you might have had this happen before. You step on something sharp, like a needle. But you don’t even sew! So what the heck stabbed you? A cat whisker, probably. Cats shed their whiskers every now and then, and the root that is attached to their face is often sharp.

Of course, other things can happen too. They can break if your cat is too rough. If you have a young child, there’s a chance your cat might have gotten a bit of a haircut in the past.

No matter what happens, never fear. Those whiskers will grow back just like your cat’s fur, but it won’t happen overnight. 

How Long Does It Take For Cat Whiskers To Grow Back

Whiskers take some time to grow back; usually, your cat’s whiskers will grow back within a few months.

I think cat whiskers are a lot like your own hair. Think about it: your hair falls out too, but you haven’t gone bold, right? Even if a strand of hair falls out, eventually, there will be a strand of hair to replace it, even though you never see it grow.

A cat’s whisker is just the same. Just because it loses a whisker doesn’t mean your cat will never have a whisker to replace it. Within two or three months – maybe less or more depending on your cat’s age – a new whisker will grow and replace the one your cat lost.

If you have an older cat, it might take a little longer for a whisker to grow back, but that’s probably not surprising. 

Why Do Whiskers Fall Out If They’re Important

Even though whiskers are essential for your cat’s daily life, cats still shed whiskers. It’s natural. Of course, all of your cat’s whiskers won’t fall out all at once. It’s a lot like their fur; only one or two fall out at a time. 

After having cats for so long, I don’t notice my cat’s whiskers falling out very often. I notice that my long-haired cats have whiskers that are finer and almost hang down, and those whiskers don’t fall out as often. On the other hand, my mackerel tabby has straight, stiff whiskers that I seem to always find around the house. 

Can A Cat Walk Without Whiskers

Some people think cats lose their balance if their whiskers fall out, but that’s not entirely true. Cats can still walk even if they don’t have their whiskers. Your now whisker-less cat might be a little off-balance, though, even if their tail helps them balance and jump.

Whiskers make your cat’s life much more comfortable, but if they lose their whiskers – naturally or otherwise – it doesn’t mean your cat suddenly won’t be able to function. Your cat might have some adjustments to make because whiskers help them navigate the environment. Despite this, they’ll still be able to do the usual cat things they’re known for. 

Do Tails Do The Same Thing As Whiskers

Cats use their tails for balance, but it’s the whiskers that really help a cat be a cat.

Cats, of course, don’t have tails just for show either. Your cat’s tail helps it balance, too, especially if something happens to your cat’s whiskers. But that doesn’t mean your cat doesn’t need its whiskers, so don’t go giving your cat’s whiskers a trim. The tail helps with balance, but the whiskers help with balance, orientation, jumping, and so much more.

Your cat’s tail as some essential functions, but always remember that the whiskers are the star of the show. 

Do Cats Like Their Whiskers Rubbed

Cats love to have their whiskers rubbed.

You might notice that your furry friend rubs his cheeks against your hand as he begins purring like a mad cat. There’s actually a reason for that! Cats have glands around their whiskers, so they’re rubbing their scent on you. You might think you own your cat, but it’s your cat that really “owns” you.

Rubbing a cat’s whiskers is an excellent way to make friends. It’s those glands that I mentioned again. Just don’t force it because you’re close to the cat’s mouth; you don’t want to get bitten after all!

You probably didn’t know all that whiskers do, huh? Even though some cats, like hairless cats, don’t have normal whiskers, it doesn’t make whiskers any less important! Sure, whiskers on a cat are adorable, but they serve specific purposes for your feline friend.