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Do Siamese Cats Like Dogs – A Guide To Introducing Them

Do Siamese Cats Like Dogs – A Guide To Introducing Them

Your Siamese cat is one of the friendliest and most affectionate cat breeds you will ever meet. Their big blue eyes can attract anyone with a glance. They love to be close to their owners and to be held. Seeing this outgoing and loving nature of Siamese cats, many cat owners who are also dog-lovers often wonder: Do Siamese Cats Like Dogs?

Yes, Siamese cats do like dogs. They are one of the most dog-friendliest breeds due to their dynamic and social nature. They are playful, which helps them get along well with dogs, young puppies, and even children. Generally, dogs are great companions for Siamese cats. 

Here, we have provided answers to many such questions regarding the friendship between Siamese cats and dogs, if they are dog friendly and up to what limit, how long does it take for a cat to get along with a dog and vice-versa, how can you introduce cats and dogs to one another and a variety of other possible questions that every cat-owner considers before getting a dog in their house.

Are Siamese Cats Dog Friendly

Yes, Siamese cats are dog-friendly. When compared to other types of cat breeds, this is one we feel confident in saying that. Although every cat is an individual, the general experience between Siamese cats and dogs is usually positive.

Siamese cats are some of the dog’s friendliest cats you’ll ever meet. They are very talkative and will immediately let their owners know if they want something. They love to be around people and to be held by their owners. Due to their social and outgoing personality, they get along with dogs very well.

Siamese cats are quite energetic and playful. They are very active, and cat-owners find this nature annoying when they are doing some work. Thus, getting a dog who can equally keep up her energy would be a gift for your cat. You will also manage to get some time at work while your cat will be occupied with playing with her new friend.

Siamese does not like to be alone. They constantly search for people’s nearness. A dog would be the best companion for her to keep her busy throughout the day. Generally, a male Siamese cat gets along with dogs more easily than female ones, but that does not mean that female cats do not like dogs. They can get equally playful around dogs; just give these potential best friends some time to nurture their friendship.

More On A Siamese Cats Personality

Before you introduce a Siamese cat to a dog it’s important to understand what their overall personality is like.

Siamese cats are known for being very vocal. They are always meowing or chirping for attention. Because of this, you’ll need to make sure your dog is prepared for constant noise. If your dog is easily agitated, then maybe you’ll want to reconsider putting the two together. However, if your dog is playful and energetic, then a Siamese cat might be a great companion.

In addition to being vocal, Siamese cats can also be incredibly territorial. This is mostly the case among Siamese cats who are often left alone for long periods while their owners are out working. A Siamese cat will soon start to carve out their own area of the home; marking its scent, and making sure no other pets occupy that area.

Because of this, you might find a lonely Siamese cat could be a bad combination if you’re trying to introduce a dog into the home. Likewise, if you already own a Siamese cat and it’s become very attached to you, it will have a tough time adjusting to you giving a new dog your attention.

This can lead to them being aggressive. However, with a slow introduction of the two pets and setting some ground rules, their relationship can work.

How Long Does It Take For A Cat To Get Used To A Dog

It can take anywhere between a few weeks to a few months, depending on the characteristics of both the animals. If you want them to become friends as soon as you bring them together, then it is never possible. 

The cat will take its time to understand and adapt to the dog’s presence, while the same also goes for the dog. He will take time to accept a cat’s presence around her and gradually learn how to behave.

Once you bring a dog to your home, your cat might be a bit suspicious of the new pet too. She might also get jealous if you spare most of the time taking care of the new member and compromising the time for your older feline friend. 

It is advisable to make the cat feel comfortable and not jealous by spending time with her. This way, she won’t think that you are ignoring her for some other animal, and she will accept and adapt to the changes in a positive manner.

Cats do not like to share their belongings; thus, try to keep separate litter boxes, food bowls, water bowls, and spaces for cats and dogs. They even tend to mark their territories, and they do not like someone’s interference. Give time to the cat and the dog to accept each other’s presence. If they can stay in a single room, it is good news for you that they can be potential friends.

How Do You Know If A Dog Will Get Along With A Cat

Breed plays an important role, but cat-testing or playing cat sounds near dogs can help determine if a dog will accept a cat’s presence. You can always go for a cat-testing on dogs where a cat is kept in a safe environment and the dog, on a leash, is allowed to go near her. 

He will examine her by sniffing, but if he starts barking or lunging, he might not be prepared to get along with cats. This cat-testing should be done in the presence of an expert only.

Dogs are more responsive to sounds; hence, you can try playing a cat’s voice recording and see how the dog behaves before bringing her home to meet your feline. Mostly, breed matters when you want to get a dog who will become a companion for your cat. 

But, once a dog and cat are positively introduced to each other for several weeks or months, it is seen that most dogs become used to the cat’s smell, and they do not harm them afterward. You can look for signs like barking, lunging, etc., to determine if a dog is ready to accept his new friend or not. 

Monitoring your dog’s body language and overall personality is a crucial part of knowing if it’ll get around with a Siamese cat. For example, when the two pets are in the same room together listen to your dog. Are there light growls? Has your dog picked up its walking pace? Did they position themselves in an attack position or have they become extremely still as if they are scared?

Those are all things you should be looking out for. This will tell you two things:

  1. My dog isn’t ready
  2. This is not a good idea in general

A dog’s temperament is just as important as the cat’s. Also keep note of what breed you have, and whether that breed has a historical reputation for aggressive temperament. For example, a Rottweiler may not be the best companion for a Siamese cat!

There are also some non-aggressive actions you should look out for as well. For example, when you start to give a new Siamese cat attention, how does your dog react at that moment? Do they start whining? Do they become upset and start to act out?

Those things could show that your dog has a strong attachment to you and that splitting time with a Siamese cat is not something that they like. While this just may look like pouting behavior, it can actually upset your Siamese cat and make them start avoiding you. In this situation, neither party is ever truly happy.

How Do You Introduce A Dog To A Cat

After you have collected enough information about the nature of both the animals and how they will behave in each other’s presence, it’s time, to begin with the introduction phase. Make sure that you have already given them enough time to accept each other’s presence. 

Introduction can’t be possible on the first day itself. Let both of them get comfortable first. Try avoiding competition or fights between each other by providing them with their separate belongings like food and water bowls, their space, toys, litter boxes, treats, mats, and other stuff.

During the introductory phase, keep an eye on their activities whenever you leave a cat and dog inside the same room. You should always be on your toes if either of them becomes violent or afraid. 

Next, try to make them aware of each other’s smell. Give them food in opposite corners of a door but observe them properly. Firstly, try to leash both of them and smell each other from a distance. The dog can bark a little, and your cat might be afraid at first, but that is normal. Keep doing this for days. 

Before proceeding further, your cat and dog must be trained and follow simple commands like “no,” “sit,” etc., before proceeding further. Once you are sure that they are a little accepting of each other’s presence, you can allow them to get closer to one another, but they should be leashed, and you should be vigilant. 

If you think they are not showing any signs of unacceptance, you can let them get a little closer by losing their leashes a little more but be careful. If you see any signs of tension, it is better to keep them leashed and give them some more time to accept each other’s smell.

Do this 3-4 times a week until they get accustomed to one another’s smell. Once you feel completely relaxed, you can even unleash them but still, keep an eye on them. Also, give equal attention to both of them lest they feel jealous of each other, which you certainly do not want.

This process can take weeks or months depending on both the animals. Do not try to speed up the process. Let it be slow and gradual.

Which Dog Breeds Get Along With Siamese Cats

Breeds like Maltese, Pugs, Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are known to be super-friendly and outgoing. They can go along with everyone. These breeds are loving and affectionate and could be potential friends for your four-legged feline friend.

Beagle, Boxer, Cocker Spaniel are the other breeds that can become friendly companions. All these breeds are calm, easy-going, and slow to anger. They are also social and love the interaction, but you still need to introduce them to your Siamese cats and look for signs of unacceptance. Usually, these breeds take less time to become familiar with cats and will not show any signs of aggression.

Let’s dive into a few of these breeds in detail so you can see why they work so well together:

Golden Retrievers – A very active breed, this dog can handle all the vocal energy a Siamese cat brings into the home.

Beagles – Like Cocker Spaniels, Beagles are known to get into trouble. Some are also mild-mannered, and they are very affectionate pets and often seek out companions. They get along with all types of other pets, not just dogs, but cats too.

Boxers – Boxers are often seen as silly dogs. They are very easy to maintain and are highly energetic. Chances are when they start interacting with Siamese cats that they will welcome the addition. The nice thing about Boxers is that they can match a Siamese cat’s energy and they can make good companions. They are not an aggressive breed at all, and through the proper introduction, the relationship can work out extremely well.

Cocker Spaniel – This breed is often described as having an “impish” personality. This means they are known to get into a bit of mischief. While that may work great with a Siamese cat, it means more monitoring work for you as an owner of both pets.

Things To Consider

Your canine and a feline pet can become amazing friends once they become comfortable around each other. Certain breeds are naturally more accepting and won’t cause much trouble while accepting the presence of Siamese cats.

Siamese cats are the best companion, but it entirely depends on the dog if he is interested in getting a companion or not. The introductory phase plays a vital role in building acceptance between each other. 

As a general rule, start out slowly. Make sure your Siamese cat has its own space where it can feel safe and can quickly get to whenever they feel overwhelmed. Likewise, make sure your dog has that same sort of place.

Your love and affection are also important. Spend equal time with both of them so that one does not feel ignored by you. Pets are very reactive to how energy is given from one pet to the next. Making sure you share that time and energy equally is an important part of the introduction process, and the relationship moving forward.

Also, keep their belongings separate as this will increase the friendship between them and reduce the quarrels. Give them time and see them become great companions!