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How Much Should My Siamese Cat Weigh – (With Chart & Pictures)

How Much Should My Siamese Cat Weigh – (With Chart & Pictures)

Weight is one of the most important markers for cat health, especially since it can be relatively hard to help your cat lose weight if they’ve gained too much. But every cat’s ideal weight is a little different, and every breed of cat has a different average weight as well. So you are likely wondering, how much should my Siamese cat weigh?

An adult Siamese cat should weigh between 7-11 lbs. Female Siamese cats weigh up to 12 lbs while male Siamese cats tend to be slightly bigger and heavier. A Siamese cats weight depends on the size of your cat, the width of their shoulders and hips, activity level, and their diet.

It’s helpful to know more about Siamese cat weight than just what they should weigh as adults, though. We’ll talk about what your Siamese kitten should weigh, what to expect as they start to grow, and even what to look for in a senior Siamese cat.

Siamese Cat Weight Chart By Age

AgeAverage Healthy Weight MaleAverage Healthy Weight FemaleHealthy Activity Level
3 Months Old2-4 lbs.2-3 lbs.Highly active with many naps.
6 Months3-5 lbs.3-4 lbs.Highly active with slightly fewer/shorter naps.
1 Year7-9 lbs.6-9lbs.Highly active with more endurance. Naps may be fewer but longer.
2 Years7-10 lbs.10-14 lbs.Your cat should be very active but establishing an adult sleeping pattern.
5 Years7-10 lbs.10-15 lbs.Moderate activity and longer naps start to be more common at this age. Encourage your cat to play and remain as active as possible.
10+ Years7-9 lbs.10-15 lbs.Most vets consider cats seniors between 10-12 years old. At this age, moderate activity level is encouraged but monitor weight closely. Unhealthy weight gain and loss are both more common for senior cats.

You probably already noticed that there’s a significant weight change from 6 months to a year old, and then your cat’s weight should steady out and remain relatively constant for the rest of its life. That big weight jump is because most Siamese cats grow rapidly after six months until they are close to their adult size and weight at one year old.

From then on, your Siamese cat will probably put on a few more pounds as its body fills out and its metabolism slows slightly. Your cat may also gain a pound or two of muscle around the same time but shouldn’t carry much fat.

As your cat gets older, it gets easier and easier for them to put on weight. Encouraging play and exercise are some of the best ways to keep your cat from gaining too much weight.

It’s also essential to monitor your Siamese cat for weight loss. Unexplained weight loss can be concerning at any age. Still, it’s essential to monitor weight loss in senior Siamese cats since unexplained weight loss can often be caused by underlying medical conditions that need treatment.

Obesity is one of the biggest health concerns for many cats and their owners, which means it’s essential to know what weight your cat should be.

That way, you can help prevent your cat from gaining too much weight or help them reach a healthy weight if they’ve already gained too much.

Of course, every cat is different, and every cat breed is different too.

Siamese cats have their weight requirements. This chart will give you some helpful averages but remember that every cat is different.

Consult with your vet if you’re not sure how much your cat should weigh based on its build, activity level, size, and other health conditions. They’ll be able to give you more personalized recommendations specific to your cat.

What Is A Healthy Weight For A Siamese Cat

Every Siamese cat will be slightly different, but a healthy weight for Siamese cats is between 7-8 lbs. Some are healthy as high as 10 lbs. and others are healthy at 5 lbs.  Much of it depends on your cats frame, and it’s not a one size fits all sort of thing.

We can’t tell you what your Siamese cat should weigh; there are too many unique factors to your cat. For instance, a cat with a smaller frame and shorter from nose to tail should probably weigh less than a Siamese cat that’s six inches longer.

For unusually large or small Siamese cats, it’s best to consult with your vet to get a better idea of your cat’s healthy weight range. They’ll consider several factors, including joint health and your cat’s measurements, to determine what weight would be healthiest for your cat.

How Big Do Siamese Cats Get In Pounds

Siamese cats can get as big as 15 lbs or more. Siamese cats are relatively prone to obesity, so they often weigh more than they should as adults. Most Siamese cats should weigh no more than 13 lbs. Most individuals should only weigh between 10-12 lbs at most, and females are often even smaller.

If your cat weighs more than 13 lbs, then you should consider how active they are, or whether there is a health condition at play. Most vets will tell you to make the following changes if your cat exceeds this weight. That list includes:

  • More exercise
  • A change in diet
  • Increase your cats water intake
  • Invest in a weigh reduction plan

In general when it comes to reducing your cat’s weight, it should be a slow process. Cat’s should lose no more than 3 to 4 ounces per month on a weigh loss plan.

Do Siamese Cats Weigh Less

Siamese cats are relatively svelte for their size when they are at a healthy weight. They certainly don’t have the girthy builds of a healthy Norwegian Forest Cat or other larger breeds. A healthy Siamese cat should look relatively skinny and won’t carry a lot of bulky muscle.

How Many Times A Day Should I Feed My Siamese Cat

Many cat owners prefer to free-feed their cats instead of having a set feeding schedule. Unfortunately, free-feeding Siamese cat isn’t a good idea because Siamese cats are prone to obesity and are likely to overeat.

That means it’s best to set mealtimes for your Siamese cat and keep their portions controlled to reasonable sizes for their weight and age.

You can use treats and hydration supplements to help your Siamese cat get used to having set mealtimes if you’ve been free feeding. However, you should make sure you adjust the size of your cat’s meals to account for the extra calories in any treats you give.

What Food Should I Feed My Siamese Cat

Like all cats, Siamese cats are obligate carnivores. They need high-quality foods that are mostly made from protein. Just as importantly, cats need to get most of their protein from meat sources, like chicken, lamb, or fish, since they can’t access the protein in vegetables or fruits as efficiently.

There are a lot of options when it comes to feeding Siamese cats. But you want to make sure you have something that’s high quality and filling, so your cat isn’t as tempted to overeat. Wet food is a little better for your cat than kibble, but either is an option. Many cat owners feed a combination of kibble and wet food.

You can also choose a raw diet for your Siamese cat, which may be helpful since feeding raw tends to help support a healthier weight.

However, finding a raw diet recipe that’s nutritionally complete can be a challenge, and you’ll need to make the food fresh every few days to keep it from going bad. Many vets recommend against feeding raw or homemade foods because of the difficulties of ensuring high-quality nutrition and keeping the food fresh enough to be safe for your cat.

If you do decide you want to go with a raw diet, talk with your vet first. They should be able to help you find a good recipe and mix of supplements to help your cat. Having several recipes may also help since some cats like to have variety in their diets.

Is My Siamese Cat Overweight – 5 Considerations

When determining if your Siamese cat is overweight you should consider the following factors:

Siamese Cats Have A Small Range Of Healthy Weight: If you’re wondering if your Siamese cat is overweight, they probably are. That’s because Siamese cats can be overweight at only a pound or less or extra weight. An additional 20% bodyweight above their healthy weight is overweight.

Can You Feel Your Cat’s Ribs: Feeling for your cat’s ribs is one of the better ways to test if they are overweight. You shouldn’t be able to see your cats’ ribs, but you should be able to feel them when you pet them or hold their chest.

Are You Free Feeding Your Siamese Cat: Siamese cats often gain weight when they’re given free access to food since they tend to overeat and eat more often than they should. Free feeding can contribute to weight gain in Siamese cats, even when it’s fine for other cats.

Does Your Cat Have A Belly: A big belly on your cat can be a sign that your Siamese is overweight. Domesticated cats aren’t designed to have a lot of fat around their midsection, unlike their larger cousins, the big cats. If your cat is carrying a big stomach, they are likely a few pounds overweight.

Is Your Cat More Lethargic Than They Used To Be: Even before there are physical signs that your cat is gaining too much weight, they may stop playing and get less active than they used to be. Slowing down can also signify age or other health conditions, but you may need to adjust your diet to account for less active time.

How Can I Make My Siamese Cat Lose Weight

Siamese cats are naturally curious, so one of the best ways to help them lose weight is finding toys and other things to play with. The more time your cat spends playing, up to about 10 minutes of intense play every two hours, the easier it will be for them to put on muscle and lose weight.

Switching to a scheduled feeding and choosing a high nutrient but lower-calorie diet may also be helpful. Just be careful; restricting your cat’s diet, too much may change their metabolism and make them gain weight rather than losing it.

If those options aren’t working, consider talking to your vet about other options or ways to encourage activity at home. Your cat may need more nutrition support or additional hydration to help them lose weight.

Why Is My Siamese Cat So Skinny – 5 Considerations

In most cases, Siamese cats are skinny due to lack of adequate nutrition. However, there are additional reasons why your cat might be skinny:

Is Your Cat’s Food High Quality: Siamese cats tend to be overweight more often than too skinny, so it’s essential to consider their food quality if your cat is underweight. Not enough protein or protein from low-quality sources may lead to your cat being underweight.

Do You Feed Primarily Meat Protein: Some cat owners like to feed kibble or other foods that don’t have enough meat ingredients to be good food options for cats. That’s because cats are obligate carnivores, so they can’t access nutrients unless they come from meat proteins.

Is Your Siamese Cat More Active Than Normal: Siamese cats are curious and often playful, which means they can get a lot of exercise in a day. If your cat is underweight, it may be that they aren’t getting enough food for their activity levels, especially if they are young and highly active.

Have You Had Your Cat’s Teeth Checked Recently: Most cats are prone to dental issues. After all, it’s not like they brush their teeth every day. An excess buildup of plaque or cavities in their teeth may make it uncomfortable for them to eat. Untreated dental problems can cause weight loss and make it hard for your cat to put on weight.

Is The Weight Loss Sudden: Sudden weight loss may be a sign that there is something medically wrong with your cat or that your cat is having difficulty getting to their food. Gastro obstructions, parasites, or even competing for food with another cat may contribute to sudden weight loss. It’s best to consult with a vet to try and find the cause of this kind of weight loss.

How Can I Make My Siamese Cat Gain Weight

Consulting with a vet is usually the best first option if you want to help your Siamese cat gain weight. But you can also try giving them a little more food at meals or adding another meal to their schedule. Consider looking into your cat food quality and looking for a higher protein or higher calorie option.

If your cat doesn’t seem interested in eating, consider trying different food or a different flavor. Heating your cat’s food may also make it more appetizing.

Sometimes you may need to give your Siamese a more isolated safe area to eat or start free-feeding a limited amount of food in addition to scheduled meals.

Your vet will be able to help find the right combination of options for your cat and may be able to address any underlying health issues that made them lose weight in the first place.