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Why Do Cats Meow At Walls – Is It Normal?

Why Do Cats Meow At Walls – Is It Normal?

Humans may think staring at walls sounds boring, but it can be perplexing, entertaining, or terrifying for cats! It often perplexes humans to see their felines engaged with a wall or door, frantically caterwauling in response. It’s one of the many peculiar things our cats do, but like so many other odd things, it makes perfect sense to the cat. Why do cats meow at walls? 

Cats meow at walls because something has set off their senses. They also meow at walls if they are bored or anxious. A cat’s hyper-responsive ears, nose, and eyes notice things on walls that people won’t notice.  

In this post, we’ll talk about why cats meow at walls, ceilings, and doors, what they may want when they do it, and how you can curb the behavior. 

Why Does My Cat Keep Meowing And Scratching The Walls

Your cat may have detailed reasons for meowing and scratching the walls, which we’ll explore further in this post. The bottom line is that the cat is meowing at the wall because something on the wall or the other side of it has stimulated its senses.

Cats’ supersonic hearing, which is 1.6 decibels above the human range, and their incredibly multifaceted sight, which is far superior to humans in peripheral vision and field of view, mean that there is something they’re sensing that seems invisible to us. 

We also don’t give cats enough credit for their sense of smell, which contains about five million olfactory receptors, so something in or on the other side of the wall may have sent their noses into high gear! 

Reasons Cats Meow At Walls

Here are the most common reasons cats meow at walls: 

Pests Have Come To Nest

If some species has decided to make a home inside your wall, your cat may know before you do. We humans can hear squirrels, raccoons, and other larger animals when they settle into our homes, but mice and rats are far quieter. 

This is where your kitty’s supersonic senses come in. As a mouse, rat, or other small animal snuggles into the cozy insides of your wall, your cat will be very likely to smell and hear them. Given their instinct to hunt, it could make them very upset that they can’t get to the creatures. 

Another Cat Lives Next Door

If you live in an apartment complex or other building where you share a wall with a neighbor, and they also have a kitty, your cat is likely to know that they have a pet, even if you never hear it.

Meowing at the wall can be your cat’s way of saying hello to the animal. It can also mean they’re trying to establish that their house is their territory. 

Cats Want You To Pay Attention To Them 

If cats know one thing, it’s how to get what they want. Are you not giving your cat adequate attention? Is the litterbox dirty? Is dinner late?

A cat may meow at the wall knowing the sound will reflect off and get your attention. How they know this is a mystery, but it’s possible, particularly if your cat is meowing in a corner. 

Your Cat Is Having Fun

That meowing that reverberates off the walls can be a pleasant sensation for your cat. It enjoyably stimulates their senses, the same way humans may enjoy smelling a flavored candle or feeling a soft blanket. Their meowing at the walls could be as simple as just a means of entertainment. 

They have a neurological or other medical condition.

When cats are acting strangely, it’s important not to rule out medical problems. It could be something as simple as anxiety over a change in the home or another cat on the other side of the wall that’s upsetting your feline.

But if the cat leans its head on the wall, or the meows are unusual in pitch or inflection, it could mean something is going on in their brain. 

A common medical condition related to incessant meowing at the wall is hyperesthesia, resulting in over-stimulation and unusual vocalization.

Your cat may obsessively scratch or lick itself and may run around the house frantically. They may also meow at things that aren’t there. If you see your cat exhibiting strange signs very suddenly, a trip to the vet may be in order. 

Why Is My Cat Looking At The Ceiling And Meowing

Cats stare at the ceiling for similar sensory stimulation issues, but it is especially likely that they see something.

Flickers of light, dust, or small insects are all common on a ceiling, and since your kitty’s nose isn’t quite strong enough to smell that far, they are probably responding to tiny stimuli that may seem insignificant to us but are very clear to them! 

Why Does My Indoor Cat Keep Meowing At The Door

Meowing at the door could be caused by the same stimuli that evoke meowing at a wall. However, there could be some differences. Reasons cats might meow at the door include: 

Your Cat Wants To Be Let Out

Has your cat had a taste of the great outdoors? Are they very curious? Cats meow at us to ask us for things. Meowing at the door could indicate that they want to see what’s on the other side.

It’s up to you whether or not you show them, but you’ll want to take necessary precautions like making sure the cat has tags, is vaccinated, and that you have time to watch them explore. Letting a cat outside alone is not advisable. 

Your Cat Sees Something Suspicious

Dogs aren’t the only animals that fiercely guard their turf! Cats are extremely territorial.

If there are window panels beside your door, your cat can see what’s going on in the neighborhood, and they may start meowing at a neighbor, an outdoor creature like a squirrel or bird, or, most commonly, another cat that’s roaming around.

Wanting to establish that they are the household ruler, your cat could meow or hiss to let it be known! 

They’re Asking For Good

An indoor/outdoor cat might associate the door with going out to hunt. Whether you’re going to let them outside or not, meowing at the door could be an indication that your kitty’s tummy is rumbling, and they’re going to eat whether they get the food themselves or you provide it for them! 

Why Is My Cat Meowing At the Wall At Night

Cats are nocturnal by nature. They are more awake and active at night, which can cause problems for their human friends.

Whether they’re playing, talking to another pet in the household, or trying to get you to wake up, vocalizations at nighttime are natural, as their senses are heightened too. 

It is possible that your cat is more stimulated by shadows and light flickers at night or that animals who have made their home in the wall also become more active in the wee hours.

And if another cat shares a wall with you, they too are probably up and about in the night, equally alert and looking for activity. 

Some young cats, or cats that are new to your home, may meow at night due to being anxious or scared. You can try leaving a light on for them or talking to your veterinarian about ways to curb their anxiety. 

Things To Consider

Sometimes cats meowing at a wall is no big deal, but for some people, it’s disruptive.

Solutions can include setting traps for pests in the wall, keeping bright lights on for fewer shadows, dusting ceilings and corners frequently, spraying for bugs, providing other forms of entertainment, and making sure your cat has plenty of food. 

If the cat seems overly agitated by another cat next door or outside, there are many calming tools on the market, including treats, diffusers, and collars.

This could help them be less upset by the presence of another cat, thereby eliminating excess meows. If the cat remains anxious, talk to your vet about potential medications that can help or dietary supplements your cat might not be getting enough of. 

If your cat’s nighttime meowing is keeping you up, you can exercise and play with your cat earlier in the evening to tire them out.

You can also establish a routine and keep them out of your room by closing the door. The longer you have your cat, the more likely they are to adjust to your sleep schedule. With kittens, it will just take time. 

Regardless of the cause, don’t ever punish your cat for meowing incessantly. They aren’t likely to make the connection, and they’re also just following their instincts. Try to identify what’s causing the problem and look for solutions. Don’t rule out medical causes without talking to the vet.