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Why Do Cats Like Me So Much – 15 Unique Reasons

Why Do Cats Like Me So Much – 15 Unique Reasons

Cats are known for being independent and sometimes antisocial. However, there are a few cats who are extremely affectionate and cannot stand a moment away from their owners. Whether it’s your cat or not, it’s true that some cats like some people more than others, but the reasons why have always puzzled pet owners. So you’re probably wondering, why do cats like me so much?

Your cat likes you so much because they feel safe and comfortable around you. Cats see their owners as a source of food and entertainment and are more attached to them naturally. Cats who enjoy their owner’s scent, and play with their owners will like them more than others.  

Beyond the more obvious reasons a cat likes you, there is plenty to sort through. In this article, I’ll share some of the unique reasons your cat likes you so much and what you can expect to see from your cat.

Reasons Cats Like You So Much

Cats have a reputation for being stoic, indifferent creatures. But as any cat owner knows, they are complex beings and very likely to experience love for their companions. They might show it differently, but ultimately, once they trust you, a cat is a loving pet that needs your adoration in return.

Understanding why a cat likes you isn’t always the simplest thing. However, if you look closely enough, you’ll be able to tell right away what attracts a cat to you and why you’re their favorite person. Below is a list of reasons why cats like you along with an explanation.

Below is a list of reasons why cats like you, along with explanations.

You’re their source of food

One thing that’s pretty universal about animals is that they love to eat. Consequently, they tend to love the person who gives them food.

Many scientists believe that cats domesticated themselves, knowing that humans were a good food source! Their brains are wired to appreciate comfort and safety, and so knowing that their human will make sure they’re fed help them identify you as a person who loves them.

You give them treats

Everyone loves a treat! Cats are no different. Your feline loves to feel they’ve done something to please you, and receiving a treat means they’ve been good or that you find them to be amazing! Associating a human with positive interactions makes your cat feel safer and more trusting.

Cats Enjoy Your Scent

Dogs are known for their supersonic snouts, but cats are also amazing sniffers, with about 5 million olfactory receptors. Scent means everything to a cat. As you’ve likely seen, they rub their cheeks and sides up against items and your legs.

This is an indication that they are marking their territory and sends a chemical message of ownership. If cats smell themselves on you, they know you are theirs.

You Calm Their Anxiety

Cats can often be very anxious. This can happen when changes occur, such as a new baby, a move to a different home, or another animal, but cats can have general anxiety. In these times, they’re going to be looking for signs that they are not in danger and that their kingdom is secure.

Chances are, if they trust you, they will look to you for much-needed calm. If you help your kitty know that everything is okay, you will be met with extreme adoration!

Your Cat Has Companionship 

Another misconception about cats is that they are solitary creatures. In reality, wild cats and big cats are likely to find social and family groups, even if they are not pack animals.

Companionship is of high value to a feline, and they’re open to letting the right human into their social group, provided trust and love are present.

The Cat Is In A Comfortable Routine

You’re probably beginning to see a trend here: Cats love safety and security. Routine helps them feel this. Knowing what to expect each day is soothing to your kitty, so when you follow a routine for eating, playing, sleeping, and relaxing, they feel more at ease.

You Don’t Stare At Your Cat

Most humans are creeped out by staring, and your cat is no different. Looking at a cat right in the eye could make them feel they are in danger. Cats stare other cats in the eye when they are threatened.

If you make your cat feel threatened, you’re not earning any points. An exception to this rule is to wait for a moment when your cat is calm, look them in the eyes, and slowly blink. This is known as a cat “kiss.” If you’re lucky, you’ll see them give you one as well!

You Give Them Lots Of Playtime

Playing is important for exercise and mental stimulation in cats. More importantly, it’s fun! You don’t want to be known as boring, and you want your cat to be happy, so you play with them, and they love it.

While cats can often play on their own, you taking the time to engage with them through playtime is one of the best bonding experiences you can have.

Cats Find Your Tone Of Voice Pleasant

Cats’ voices are often high-pitched. Their “mews” and “meows” have multiple inflections and indicate a variety of moods or, more likely, demands.

Some scientists even think that cats developed their meows to communicate with humans and get more of what they want! When you talk to your cat, a calm, soothing, higher-pitched voice is found to be more comforting and understandable.

You Keep Your Cat Groomed

As any feline owner knows, grooming is essential for cats. They spend multiple hours per day cleaning themselves with their sandpaper-like tongue, which serves as a built-in brush.

However, they’re not always able to keep up. Sometimes there’s too much hair, which they need to be brushed off, or mattes, which need to be brushed or cut out. Or they may have discharge coming from an eye or nose.

They also may need some wiping down or even a bath. While they may object to some actions you take in cleaning them, cats are grateful to owners who help keep them spic and span!

You take care of them when they’re sick

Being sick is no fun. Whether an illness is serious or more temporary, cats often want to become closer to their owners when they’re not feeling well, especially because other cats in the household may avoid them.

Giving them their medication (even though they may temporarily be mad at you for it), holding them, and making them comfortable are signs of love that your cat most definitely recognizes.

You talk to them

Some scientists believe that humans taught cats to meow more often by talking to them! Our perceptive felines picked up on the fact that sounds were humans’ primary way of communicating, and, in a desire to make sure they always get what they want, they learned to mimic us.

Whether or not that’s true, hearing your voice helps your feline friend know that you love them-provided you’re talking to them pleasantly! They know when you’re mad, too, and will avoid you in that instance.

You provide friends for them

Cats are not pack animals like dogs. However, some felines enjoy having other cats in their lives. Additional kitties in the household give them playmates, cuddle buddies, or just the soothing reassurance that there’s another cat around.

There’s not much indication of what makes two cats bond, but when it happens, your kitty appreciates that you brought them a new friend.

They might have been separated early from their mother

If you got your cat at a young age from a shelter, and they demonstrate biting and scratching behaviors, it is possible that they were separated early from their mother.

This means they never really learned how to play correctly and may alienate other cats with their roughness.

This is surmountable with some work, and once you get through it, you’ll notice that these cats knead and snuggle you as if you were their real mom. You’ll see extra love out of these kitties who never knew a cat mom but now have a human parent!

You provide comfort

Cats are looking for safety, security, and comfort. If you give them those things, you’ll be loved and appreciated.

Things To Consider

As cat owners know, not all cats are created equal. They have very distinct personalities, so the above reasons may not apply to every cat. But in general, these are good ways to get to a cat’s heart.

Your cat could have very specific or even odd reasons for liking you. That’s okay! Being willing to connect with your kitty is the most important part of owning them. Let your cat be who they are, even if they’re pretty weird! Just like humans, they want to be loved for all of their quirks!

Being loved by a cat takes some work, and cats are less likely to grant you with their trust than dogs are. But that distinction gives you incredible satisfaction. If your cat adores you, you know you’ve done a lot of incredible things to earn their snuggles!