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Why Does My Cat Bite My Head – Affection Or Aggression?

Why Does My Cat Bite My Head – Affection Or Aggression?

Most cat owners will tell you that the occasional bite or nip is inevitable when you own a cat. Cats like to use their teeth from time to time, and usually, it’s all in the name of communication. The head area is also subject to cat bites too. This leaves many asking, why does my cat bite my head?

Cats bite your head because they are bored, stressed, or fearful. Biting your head is also a sign of affection in cats and ca hoping mechanism. Cats also bite your head when they are irritated or the behavior has been encouraged. Your cat may be trying to bite your hair or something it sees on your head.

Cats biting your head can be a lot more concerning and painful! It’s normal to wonder why your cat is biting your head in the first place, not to mention how to stop the behavior! Let’s talk about the main reasons your cat might start biting your head, what you can do to stop it, and when it might be time to get concerned.

Reasons Your Cat Bites Your Head

Head biting might be particularly problematic and frustrating behavior, but there are almost always reasons for it. Address the reason your cat is biting your head, and it will be that much easier to get them to stop. 

Your Cat Loves You (No Really)

This first reason is probably the most common reason young cats will sometimes bite your head, especially while they are still kittens. Biting among kittens can be a sign of affection or even just a sign that your cat doesn’t have a lot of control over its mouth yet. A young cat might mean to lick you or show grooming behavior and wind up biting you instead. 

Even adult cats might come in for the occasional bite as a sign of affection. 

If you don’t want your cat to bite you as a sign of affection, consider trying to redirect them to your hand or lap when they bite. It’s okay to tell them no, or even to say ‘Ow!’ in a hurt voice when they bite; both actions will help them learn what not to do and that it hurts you.

Your Cat Is Feeling A Little Possessive

Cats can also start to use their teeth if they’re feeling possessive or if they feel like they are competing for your attention. This is especially common when you bring a new pet into the home and might even crop up when you bring a new baby home. Visitors can also sometimes make your cat feel a little more possessive, leading to bites. 

The best way to deal with this is to prepare for when your cat might be feeling a little more possessive and a little needier. Ensure your pets are getting plenty of attention any time your family goes through a significant change, especially when you’re bringing a new family member home. Cats might also start to feel anxious when visitors arrive, so making sure they get their fair share of attention during visits is critical. 

Your Hair Tastes Delicious (We’re Not Kidding)

This one is a little weirder than some of the other reasons your cat bites your head, but it’s true! Some cats like the taste (or texture) of your hair in their mouth. In this case, it’s more about fulfilling their oral fixation than actually biting you. 

Sometimes something as simple as changing hair products can stop the biting behavior and help prevent your cat from going after your hair. Wearing a hat or a head covering to sleep can also help discourage your cat from biting your hair. Citrus scented products can be a particularly compelling option. 

Of course, if the biting and hair chewing become more obsessive, or if your cat doesn’t stop with correction and the right products, it might be time to take your cat to the vet.  

Your Cat Might Have Pica

Head biting, especially combined with hair chewing and other biting or mouthy behaviors, can also be a sign that your cat is developing pica. Pica is a disorder where your cat eats objects that shouldn’t be eaten, often compulsively. That can include your hair, hair ties, plastic bags, and just about anything else your cat can fit in their mouths. 

Pica can be a serious issue and often requires a combination of vet and home management to control it fully. If you suspect that your cat might start developing pica, you should take them to the vet right away.  

Your Cat Is Stressed Or Bored

Your cat is also significantly more likely to bite your head if they are bored and there isn’t enough stimulation in their environment.

Getting a few more cat toys, a cat tree, or spending at least 10 minutes a day playing with your cat can help alleviate their boredom. High-energy cats usually need a lot more playtime and attention than more relaxed felines, but all cats can benefit from a little extra attention from you. 

You’ll likely need to combine extra toys and attention with some correction to get head biting to stop completely, but if this is the cause, it shouldn’t be too difficult. 

Why Does My Female Cat Bite My Head

Female cats might be a little more likely to bite your head than male cats. That’s partly because they’re a little more likely to possess their owners and partially because they seem a little more likely to show affection with their teeth. 

However, the big reason female cats are a little more likely to bite your head has to do with their hormone cycle, especially if they haven’t been fixed yet. Female cats in heat are more likely to demand attention by biting. They won’t necessarily target your head specifically, but if your head is the closest available target, they’ll go for it. 

Why Does My Cat Bite My Head And Pull My Hair

A cat that bites your head and pulls your hair may mostly be going for your hair. This can be a grooming behavior more than just biting. They’re trying to groom your hair because it looks and feels similar to their fur, it’s a kind of reciprocation. 

The biting and pulling can be particularly uncomfortable, though, so it’s a good idea to redirect your cat and saw ow so that your cat knows that the pulling hurts. 

Why Does My Cat Bite My Head When I’m Sleeping

Your cat biting your head when you’re sleeping is most likely a sign of a bored or anxious cat. This behavior is likely a way for your cat to wake you up. Once you’re awake, they can ask for your love, attention, or comfort much more easily. 

Try giving your cat more toys to deal with this one or using calming pheromones and other techniques to help address anxiety. If neither option works, it’s a good idea to consult with your get for some other options and advice on managing their biting. 

Other Considerations

Biting can be frustrating for your cat, but it’s essential to be patient with them. Head biting and all biting is more common when your cat is stressed or changing around your cat. Moving, bringing home new pets, and even rearranging the furniture can all make it more likely that your cat will bite. 

It’s also virtually impossible to stop your cat from ever biting. You can work with them to make sure it’s very rare, but a stressed, scared, or overstimulated cat will almost always bite. It might not be a serious bite, but your cat will always be willing to use its teeth if the situation demands it. 

Working with your cat with a combination of redirecting, saying no, and taking other steps to discourage your cat from biting can help stop them biting your head, especially while you sleep. As an option of last resort, you can also lock your cat out of your bedroom at night so you can sleep without interruptions.