You happen to be a multi-pet owner who owns a cat and a dog. The thought of whether you can feed your cat with dog treats has been racing through your mind for a couple of weeks. Every pet loves to eat some special treats from time to time. The thought of feeding a cat with a dog treat might seem intriguing. Now back to our question; can cats have dog treats?
Cats should not eat dog treats as they can lead to malnourishment and health complications if consumed in large quantities. Dog treats contain both grains and meat supplements, but not at the ratio to support a cat’s nutritional needs. Cats may find it challenging to digest grain-based treats.
This article will consider the differences between cat and dog treats and what cats can be given as treats; we will also examine and answer some frequently asked questions surrounding cat and dog treats. Patiently read through as we begin this journey together.

Are Dog Treats Safe For Cats
Dog treats are not safe for cats to consume, but the fact is that a cat’s nutritional requirements are quite different from that of a dog. Cats need a lot of protein-rich food to thrive; they also need a lot of Vitamin A, taurine, and arachidonic acid.
Dog treats contain lower levels of these nutritional supplements. Dogs can live successfully on low protein and Vitamin A levels, whereas our skittish friends can not.
When a cat is constantly feeding on dog treats, there are bound to be problems for the cat. For example, a dog can naturally produce taurine and arachidonic acid within its body without problems.
On the other hand, a cat can only get these supplements through food. For instance, when cats don’t get taurine in the right proportion through food, cats can develop heart issues resulting from this.
Lack of taurine can also cause vision and dental problems for cats. Unlike dogs, cats are the kind of pets that need to feed on a lot of meat for proper functioning.
Is It Bad To Give Cats Dog Treats
In theory, it is bad to give dog treats to cats, but in reality, dog treats are not toxic to cats. The constituents of some dog treats are not healthy for cats to ingest; if they take too much of these ingredients, it can make them very sick. An example of these ingredients is ethylene glycol.
It is readily found in dog treats; if a cat takes too much of this ingredient, it can make him sick. Cats can handle this ingredient in small doses, but it is toxic to them in large amounts. Ethylene glycol should not be found in dog treats; unfortunately, this is not the case today.
Many pet food manufacturers include this as an anti-freezing agent. Another reason why it is not advisable to give dog treats to cats because dog treats are too large for cats to consume.
These large treats may even cause problems for their digestive system. Furthermore, the taste buds of cats and dogs are quite different; for this reason, cats don’t find dog treats particularly exciting.
What Are The Main Differences Between Dog And Cat Treats
The main difference between a dog and cat treats is that cat treats contain a higher amount of protein, vitamins, and calories. While treats for dogs contain moderate amounts of protein and vitamins.
Dog treats are also known to contain some amount of grains. Another significant difference is that cat treats are smaller than dog treats because their mouths are smaller than dogs. Cats need more protein because of their nature; they are obligate carnivores, they feed exclusively on meat.
Additionally, the ingredients used in preparing cat and dog treats are similar; the smell of both treats is similar. The basic difference lies in the quantity and level of nutritional supplements.
Cat treats contain a higher level of fat than dog treats. Cats are widely known to have higher safety tolerance for fats than dogs. Most dog treats contain either ethylene or propylene glycol, which is quite harmful to cats. When cats take this substance in high quantities, it becomes a problem for them.
Can Cats Have Dog Bone Treats
Yes, they can! Dog bone treats are safe and healthy for cats to consume. Bone treats provide several dental and nutritional values to cats. Bone treats are crucial to the development of both cats and dogs.
Raw bones contain some essential vitamins that help cats deal with behavioral issues. Dog bone treats contain some enzymes that assist in killing harmful bacteria that are found in the gums.
When a cat is chewing bones, the chewing motion helps to clean their gums and teeth. Giving your cat healthy dog bone treats helps in stimulating the physical and mental capacities. When a cat is given a bone to eat, all his attention is focused on the task ahead; devouring the bone!
When your cat is restless, giving him a dog bone treat is an effective way to correct attention deficit. Giving your cats and kittens bone treats is an effective way of keeping them out of trouble. Raw meaty bones are simply great for cats.
Can Cats Have Dog Biscuits
Cats can feed on dog biscuits once in a while without any damage to their health. Dog biscuits might not be the best treats for your feline; giving him something dry and crunchy when you run out of cat food or in an emergency would surely not kill him.
One thing to know is that this kind of treats should not be given to cats regularly. When a cat feeds on dog biscuits, it might be of benefit to your feline in some ways. Dog biscuits are dry and have a higher energy density. If your cat is thin and has a picky appetite, giving him dog biscuits once in a while can help him in gaining some weight.
Dog biscuits are safe for healthy cats occasionally. If you notice any behavioral changes or symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea in your cat after giving him a dog biscuit, do not delay taking him to the nearest vet hospital.
Can Cats Eat Blue Wilderness Dog Treats
Yes, cats can eat Blue Wilderness dog treats. But it must not be constantly fed to them. The Blue Wilderness dog treats contain a lot of nutrients that cats can benefit from.
The Blue Wilderness dog treats contain turkey, chicken fat, flaxseed (omega 3 & 6 fatty acids), salts, and calcium carbonate. The chicken content of these treats promotes muscle development.
While omega fatty acids promote healthy skin. As we earlier mentioned, dog treats should not be regularly fed to cats; giving them once in a while would not harm them.
If you regularly feed your cats with Blue Wilderness treats, there is a high tendency for your cat to become malnourished in the long term. The blue wilderness treats for dogs were prepared with dogs in mind, not cats.
There are Blue Wilderness cat treats; these treats contain all the necessary dietary nutrients for cats.
Can Cats Eat Dog Calming Treats
Dog calming treats are safe for cats to consume. The only challenge cats have in consuming this kind of treats is that the size of these treats is slightly bigger than what they are used to. Giving cat calming treats helps them with their anxieties.
Just like humans, our feline friends are also known to experience anxiety. Imagine your cat making some awkward noises during the night, disturbing your precious sleep; it can be very disturbing.
If you have a cat with anxiety, giving him a calming treat goes a long way in helping him to stay calm. We understand the guilt that comes with not being able to help your cat. Some special treats work for both cats and dogs.
An example of this is the composure pro-bite-size chews for dogs and cats. Instead of giving your cat dog calming treats occasionally, we recommend buying reliable cats calming treats that work best.
If your cat has a certain medical condition, the general rule is never to give cats any dog-related food or treats. Canine food is only considered for sound and healthy cats. After giving your feline some dog calming treats and you observe some strange changes, put a call across to your vet immediately!
What Can I Give My Cat For Treats
Examples of treats you can give your cat include:
● Salmon
● Spinach
● Fish oils
● Eggs
● Cantaloupe
● Chicken
● Bananas
● Oatmeal
● Pumpkin
● Cheese
The list above shows some examples of threats that can be given to cats. Salmon is essential for cats. It supplies omega-3 fatty acids to them, which is a good source of protein for them.
Apart from being a source of protein, salmon is tasty. Caution should be exercised about giving salmon to cats. It is not advisable to give them raw salmon. It should rather be cooked.
Spinach is another awesome treat that can be given to cats; it contains vitamins and minerals essential for the proper functioning and development of cats. You should refrain from giving your cat spinach if your feline has a history of bladder stones.
Chicken can be given as a treat for your cat. Cats are a kind of pet that feed mainly on protein; giving them chicken as a treat is a very good choice. Chicken belongs to the lean protein group; lean protein protects your cat from being overweight.
Before giving chicken to your cat, make sure it is thoroughly cooked, and you can also choose to remove the fatty layer.
Additional Foods And Treats To Avoid
Cats, by nature, are very picky when it comes to food; they don’t jump on any food to eat. Dog treats are not fully recommended for cats, but healthy cats can have them once in a while. On the other hand, some foods are very toxic for cats; let’s examine some of these foods:
Onions And Garlic
Onions and garlic are very dangerous for cats; onions and garlic should be given to cats on no account. Onions and garlic are known to damage the red blood cells of cats which ultimately leads to anemia. When they take it in large quantities, they exhibit reduced appetite, weakness, and dark red urine.
Raw Eggs And Raw Meat
Raw eggs and raw meat can be poisonous to cats, just as they can be poisonous to humans. Raw eggs can sometimes contain dangerous bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella.
Symptoms of salmonella ingestion include vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. These dangerous bacteria can be transmitted to humans, so wash your hands after cooking.
Chocolate And Caffeinated Drinks
Chocolates are very toxic to cats; chocolate contains substances like methylxanthines which can induce vomiting and diarrhea.
As a rule, the darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is. If you’ve got a cat, do not throw chocolates carelessly around your home where your cat can gain easy access to it.
Grapes And Raisins
Grapes and raisins are very toxic for cats, even in small amounts. Cats can become severely ill by ingesting it. The most common symptoms in cats are kidney failure and decreased urination.
Milk And Dairy Products
Cats find it extremely difficult to digest milk because they lack enzymes that can digest lactose in milk. You are encouraged not to give milk or any dairy products to your cat.

My name is James, and welcome to FAQCats!
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