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Why Do Cats Blep – 13 Reasons & Factors To Know!

Why Do Cats Blep – 13 Reasons & Factors To Know!

Every cat owner today must have seen their beloved feline blep at one time or the other. Are you familiar with the word blep? Blepping happens when a cat unconsciously leaves the tip of the tongue out for no apparent reason. Cats are not the only pets that blep; some other animals blep too. You might have been wondering for some time why your cherished cat would act in this manner. You may start wondering: why do cats blep?

Cats blep to study and assess their immediate environment. Another primary reason a cat bleps is to breathe well. This involves relaxing the tongue to take in more air. In some cases, blepping may be a sign that your cat has damaged teeth, jaw, or has an oral cavity.

In this article, we will highlight and explain 13 different reasons why cats blep. We will also explain the reasons why cats blep while sleeping. Keep reading to know all the reasons why cats blep.

Reasons Why Cats Blep

As a cat owner, you need to understand the reasons behind the behavior of your feline friend. When you understand these reasons, you’d be in a better position to care for your cat. Let’s examine the 13 different reasons why cats blep.

They’re Picking Up Scents

Like humans, you may expect your cat to investigate the environment using his nose, but this is not the case. Cats are fond of picking up new scents in their environment through blepping. Science has made us understand that cats often exhibit Flehmen Response.

This response involves breathing with their mouth wide open. Cats have an organ known as Jacobson’s. They use this organ to interpret and analyze the scents left by other cats within their immediate environment.

Male cats are especially fond of this behavior; they usually do this when they notice there is a female cat in heat within the area. The next time you notice your cat standing still with his tongue sticking out, your cat is likely analyzing a scent picked up.

Stuck Food In The Teeth

When cats are given some special treats, there is a high tendency of having crumbs from the treats getting stuck in their teeth. To get rid of these crumbs, cats sometimes bring out their tongue, and they become restless trying to remove the stringy meat from their teeth.

When next your cat bleps, especially after you’ve given some meat to feed on, try to have a look at their teeth if they would permit you.

Try as much as possible to help them remove the offending meat from his teeth. On the other hand, if the size of the stringy meat is big, put a call across to your vet to render professional assistance.

Your Cat Could Have Oral Or Dental Disease

Another reason why cats blep is that they might be suffering from dental disease. It is not uncommon for cats to stick out their tongues when they have dental problems.

What causes dental problems for pets like cats is the buildup of tartar and plaques that eventually lead to the oral cavity’s bacterial infection. The gums might also be affected.

The pain associated with dental disease makes cats stick out their tongues and drool excessively. Another common oral cavity problem in cats is feline stomatitis, otherwise known as feline mouth ulcers. The bullet list below shows some common symptoms of feline stomatitis:

● Halitosis

● Drooling

● Growling at food

● Weight loss

● Decreased grooming

Respiratory Problems

Some respiratory problems could make it difficult for your cat to breathe well. For example, a cat with asthma would find it very difficult to take in enough oxygen.

To compensate for this respiratory disease, they bring out their tongue and open their mouths a little wide to take in more air.

All cats blep, and watching your cat blep at times can be so pleasant to watch sometimes. On the other hand, there are signs to watch out for that might indicate your feline friend is suffering from a respiratory problem. Signs such as:

● Increased heart rate

● Decreased appetite

● Lack of balance and coordination

● Excessive drooling

If you notice any of the above symptoms, we encourage you to call your vet right away or take him to the nearest veterinary hospital for proper medical care.

They Experienced A New Taste

When you expose your cat to a different kind of taste by changing his food, it feels very awkward for him. It feels awkward because cats are the kind of pets that know so much about their daily routine.

This routine includes the kind of food they eat daily. When you suddenly alter a part of this daily routine by giving your cat an entirely different kind of food, it may take your feline a while to get used to this different flavor of food.

In the course of adapting to this change, your cat may start to blep more often. To guard against this from happening, it is best to slowly mix the old and new food.

They’re Relaxed

Cats share some similarities with humans; when they are in a relaxed mode which most times eventually means dropping off into sleep, it is not uncommon for them to bring out their tongue, which may fall on the side of their mouth.

This habit is more common in some breeds than in others. Blepping while sleeping is very common to the Persian and the flat-faced breeds. They blep while sleeping because of the anatomical structure of their face.

Their face leaves little space in their mouth for their tongue to roam freely. Because of this reason, they love being a lot! If your feline has an incomplete set of teeth, he has a high tendency of being more.

Medical Problem

When your cat blep more than usual, it could be a sign of some ongoing medical problems. Like humans, the more a human grows older, the higher the risk of developing some serious medical problems.

One very popular disease in older cats is active dysfunction syndrome, also known as feline dementia in some circles. It is a disease that affects the short-term memory of cats.

When this happens, a cat might forget what he was doing halfway through. A cat with dementia may stick out his tongue without knowing for some time. Some signs might indicate a cat has dementia:

● Extreme weakness

● Lack of appetite

● Confusion

● Sleeplessness


Heatstroke is also a reason why cats blep. If you notice your cat is bleeding and panting simultaneously, this is a significant indication your dog might be having a heatstroke.

They would also become restless and sweating through their pores. They do all these to cool down their body. When you observe your feline is suffering from heatstroke, it is an emergency that requires timely care.

Put a call across to your vet or take your cat to the nearest veterinary hospital. There are some signs of heatstroke to watch out for; such as:

● Drooling

● Collapse

● Extreme panting

● Vomiting

Travel Sickness

Travel sickness is another cause of blepping in cats. Most cats suffer from travel sickness, especially if they are not used to traveling in a plane or car. They are largely affected by the motion of a car; this often makes them feel sick.

It is common for them to stick their mouth out throughout the journey. Once the journey is over, they bring in the tongue when the journey is over. But if your cat still bleps excessively even after the journey is over, we encourage you to call your vet as soon as possible.


In some rare cases, cats blep as a result of food poisoning. In this situation, they drool and vomit excessively. In some extreme cases, they might find it difficult to breathe and experience dizziness.

There are a variety of things that could poison a cat around the home. When cats are poisoned, drooling and vomiting are two cardinal signs to watch out for. Cats can be poisoned by things such as these:

● Garden pesticides

● Household cleaners

● Poisoned prey

● Contaminated food

If you suspect your cat has been poisoned, take him to the nearest vet hospital without delay!

Hanging Tongue Syndrome

Cats blep as a result of hanging tongue syndrome. The most common cause of hanging tongue syndrome in cats is severe dental disease.

Trauma to the lower jaw or head can cause severe nerve damage leading to this syndrome. Some cats who have experienced trauma suffer from this syndrome which makes them blep.

Structure Of Cat’s Tongue

Cats’ tongue is unique in its way; it does not share many similarities with a human tongue. Their tongue contains some rough and sharp little structures called papillae which help in capturing food.

Have you ever been licked by your cat before? What was the experience like? We are sure you felt some sharp pointy cells rubbing about your skin. These pointy cells are coated with keratin.

Cats blep because their tongue feels tender in their mouth with the spikes. When food lands on their tongue, they find it difficult to release this in their mouth. So, this is a common reason why they blep.


Distraction is part of the reason cats stick out their tongues. Cats can be distracted by a whole lot of things. For example, a cat might be distracted by an array of birds flying in the sky or even by other pets!

When this happens, he may be completely lost in thought. He may not even be aware his tongue is sticking out.

Is It Normal For Cats To Blep

It is quite normal for cats to blep; it is nothing to worry about. Blepping should only be a thing of concern if accompanied by other behavioral changes like excessive drooling or vomiting.

You should also be concerned if your cat is blepping constantly. Blep is a pleasant sight to behold. If your cat’s blep is not accompanied by behavioral changes, it is better to leave him to help in peace.

On the other hand, if your cat exhibits some signs and symptoms listed early in this article, it is better to consult your vet immediately.

Why Do Cats Blep Sleeping

Cats blep while sleeping due to their relaxed jaw. When they are deep asleep, their relaxed jaw is enough for the tip of their tongue to stick out. Breeds of cats with flat faces do this more often than others.

If you observe your cat blepping while sleeping, it is entirely normal, nothing to be ruffled about. If you notice any other behavioral changes in your cat, don’t delay in putting a call across to your vet.

Things To Consider

Cats are challenging pets to understand. It can be quite hard to know something is wrong with them. If you own a cat, paying close attention to his blepping habit is a good way to determine if something is medically wrong with your cat.

If you notice that your cat has been sticking out his tongue and drooling excessively, you should not delay in scheduling a visit to your vet.

If you think something might be wrong with your feline, do not try to correct the blepping habit all by yourself.

Some cats are hot-tempered; depending on the temperament of your cat, he may even go to the extent of biting you. It is always good to schedule a visit with your vet to carry out all the examinations and investigations.

Blepping is cute to watch; this cats’ habit should not always be a cause of concern. If you own a cat, keep an eye on your feline to observe the frequency at which your cat is sticking his tongue out.