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Why Are My Cats Ears Hot – 5 Possible Reasons

Why Are My Cats Ears Hot – 5 Possible Reasons

You are about to bathe your cat for the first time in weeks. Touching both ears of your cat, you notice your cats’ ears are hot. You feel bothered about this. Perplexed, you don’t know whether to put a call across to your vet or not. This question keeps running through your mind —why are my cat’s ears hot?

Your cat’s ears are hot due to the buildup of ear wax which has reduced ventilation to the area. Another reason cats get hot ears might be as a result of a viral or bacterial infection. Furthermore, cats are warm creatures; their baseline temperature is higher than that of humans.

In this article, we will consider a variety of reasons why cat ears get hot. We’ll also supply answers to frequently asked questions about cats’ ears getting hot. Finally, we’d offer practical tips on how you can help your cat ears.

Reasons Your Cat’s Ears Are Hot

There are many different reasons cats’ ears get hot. Some of these reasons are medically related, while others are not. The following explains some of these reasons:


Illness is one of the cogent reasons cats’ ears get hot. If a human is sick, it is quite normal for our body’s temperature to rise —a symptom known as fever.

The same is also valid for cats. When your cat is ill, it is expected that her whole body’s temperature will go up.

Fever is a good indicator of the health status of your feline. Your cat might be suffering from an underlying disease.

As a cat owner, you should be quite observant. When you touch your cat’s ears, you should determine if the hotness is mild or intense.

If your cat’s body temperature is mildly hot, you don’t have to be overly concerned. But if the hotness is intense, you should put a call across to your vet.

If your feline is showing fever symptoms, it’s a good sign your cat is trying to fight off the cause of the illness. So an increase in your cat’s ears temperature is not always a bad thing.

The symptoms that may indicate your cat is ill include the following:

● Lack of appetite

● Lethargy

● Vomiting

● Excessive howling

If you notice one or all of these things, you should arrange an appointment with your vet.

Cats are naturally warm creatures

A lot of cat owners feel their cat’s ears are hot because they rarely touch the ears of their cat.

The baseline of cats’ body temperature is 102.5°F. For humans, this temperature is slightly high, but it’s perfect for cats.

Furthermore, a cat’s body temperature does not remain constant throughout the day. It fluctuates from time to time. Also, the prevailing temperature of the cat’s environment has a role to play.

One reason cats’ ears are highly susceptible to temperature changes is that the outer ears (Pinna) don’t contain fats, making them thin.

Other body parts of cats susceptible to temperature changes include the nose, paws, and tails.

When the surrounding temperature is hot, blood flows to the above areas. The flow of blood makes the cat dissipate excess heat, thereby cooling its body down.

When the surrounding temperature is cold, the reverse of the above process occurs, making the cat retain more heat.


The ears of cats are fragile, susceptible to infections. The ear of a cat is mainly divided into two; the outer and inner ear.

Any of these two can become infected at any point in time. Common causes of ear infection in cats include the following:

● Foreign objects

● Untreated allergens

● Bacteria and viruses

● Mites

● Poor hygiene

If an ear infection is not promptly treated, it can lead to permanent damage to the ears.

As a cat owner, you should be keenly observant about other subtle signs such as excessive scratching of the ears and head shaking.

Bacteria and viruses can both cause ear infections in cats. But there are some differences between the two.

An apparent injury or inflammation usually accompanies the fever caused by bacteria. The fever caused by bacteria is high-grade.

The hotness or fever caused by bacteria can last for several days if left untreated. But viral infection clears up in a day or two.

In summary, the infections caused by bacteria are usually more severe than viruses.


Hot ears are one of the classical signs of heatstroke in cats. Cats can not respond to heat the way humans do.

Humans can easily deal with heat because sweat glands are present in almost every part of our bodies. But cats only have just a few found in their feet and nose.

Felines mainly depend on external cooling and panting to control their temperature. The long hair coats make cats more susceptible to heatstroke.

Indoor cats do not find it easy to lose heat which makes their body temperature high than normal, unlike outdoor cats.

To protect your cat from heatstroke, provide a well-ventilated area for her to cool down. In addition, provide access to safe drinking water for your cat.


Hot ears may also be a result of allergies. This is especially true if the hotness is accompanied by itching and redness.

The way cats respond to allergies is quite different from the way humans respond to them. Allergies in humans may manifest as coughing, sneezing, and eye redness.

It is quite different in cats. Hot ears are a significant sign of allergies in cats. An array of allergens can cause hot ears.

Some common allergens of hot ears in cats include the following:

● Fleas

● Diet

● Dust or particles 

If you notice any of these, talk to your vet immediately.

Is It Okay If My Cat’s Ears Are Hot

It is okay for a cat’s ears to be hot, provided he is comfortable, and the hotness is evenly spread all over his body.

The ears are one of the body parts used by cats to regulate their body temperature. It is perfectly okay for their ears to feel a little bit hot.

The surroundings where your feline is staying matters a lot. If he’s lying somewhere in the sun, the ears are expected to feel hot.

Is My Cat Sick If His Ears Are Hot

The hotness of your cat’s ears is not necessarily a sign of illness. Your cat is sick if other worrying symptoms accompany the ear hotness.

Normally, cats are warm creatures. So any significant increase in their body’s temperature is usually nothing to be worried about.

The symptoms that might indicate something serious include the following:

● Rapid breathing

● Isolation

● Loss of appetite

● Flaccid skin

Take urgent steps if you notice the above symptoms coupled with the hotness of the ears in your cat.

Do Cats’ Ears Get Hot When Stressed

Cats’ ears get hot when they are stressed due to some physiological changes in their body. Furthermore, a lot of factors can be responsible for stress in cats.

The changing of the environment is a significant factor that causes stress for cats. When strangers also visit where a cat is living, it causes stress for them.

A cat’s health suffers when ongoing stress is not controlled. You should keep a keen eye on your feline.

The following are signs of stress your cat might show:

● Becoming more withdrawn

● Not using the litter tray

● Sleep disturbance

● Restlessness

● House soiling

Always bear in mind that each cat is unique. What causes stress for your cat might not be a problem for another.

Pinpointing the exact cause of stress for cats might be very difficult. There may be a lot of contributing factors.

If you are bothered about your cat’s ears temperature, arrange a visit with your vet for proper examination.

Should A Cat’s Ears Be Warm Or Cold

A cat’s ears should be warm. The normal cat’s temperature is between 100.5 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything higher than this may indicate fever.

You should watch for other symptoms that may indicate a fever. Several factors can affect your cat’s body temperature.

Cats’ ears, paws, and the tip of the tail are part of the best places to monitor the temperature of your feline.

How do you know your cat is cold? There are signs to watch out for. The signs include:

● Shivering

● Trembling

● Cuddling into warm spaces 

As a rule of thumb, any temperature below 45 degrees Fahrenheit is considered too cold. It has been discovered that obese cats handle cats better.

Another thing that might indicate your cat is cold is to curl up on your bed. If your cat is healthy, his ears should feel warm to the touch.

If you feel your cat’s ears are too hot, arrange an appointment with your vet to check out your feline.

How Do You Tell If Your Cat Has A Fever

The best way to determine if your cat has a fever is to check his temperature using a thermometer.

A cat is said to have a fever if she has a temperature above 102.5°F. If the temperature falls above 106°F, your beloved feline has a severe risk of organ damage.

The following are the common causes of fever in cats:

● Bacterial, viral, or fungal infection

● Injury

● Trauma

● Certain medications

● Tumors

How Can I Help My Cat’s Ears

You can help your cat’s ears by occasionally cleaning his ears with quality ear cleaner. The structure of cats’ ears makes it difficult for dirt to be expelled without assistance.

You don’t need any special tool to clean his ears. The things you need are a good ear cleaning solution and gauze. Your feline might need the treat to cooperate.

Things To Consider

If you own a cat, the ears are worth paying attention to. The temperature of the ears can give you a clue about the health of your feline.

Knowing how to measure the general body temperature of your cat is a way of caring for him.

Now let’s discuss the process of measuring a cat’s temperature.

How To Measure Your Cat’s Temperature

Measuring your cat’s temperature is a straightforward process. You don’t need a special skill to clean your cat’s ears.

● Use a digital thermometer aimed at your cat’s ears. But to get an accurate measurement, use a pediatric rectal thermometer.

● Never attempt to use the old mercury thermometer for your feline. There is a risk of it breaking which can affect the health of your cat.

● If you prefer a pediatric rectal thermometer, apply petroleum jelly to the thermometer for lubrication.

● Gently insert it into your cat’s rectum (asshole). Be careful not to damage the rectal tissues.

● Leave the thermometer inside the anus for 2 minutes to get an accurate reading.

During this whole process, you may need the assistance of someone to help you restrain the cat.

How To Clean Your Cat’s Ears

Cleaning your cat’s ears occasionally is vital, especially when you notice a sort of discharge coming out of his ears.

The following highlights the process of cleaning the ears of your cat:

● Sit comfortably and hold the cat in your lap.

● Slightly retract the tip of the ear flap to uncover the ear canal.

● While holding the ear flap in your hand, hold the ear cleaning solution with the other hand.

● Gently put some cleaning solution into the ear canal.

● While holding the ear flap, remove some dirt from the inner part of the ear.